Meadowview Villa – Small House for Dementia Care
MMMC is collaborating with Lambton County and Bessant Pelech & Associates to bring an innovative small house dementia care model to Lambton County. The premise of the 12-bed model is where a small group of elders live together as a family. The focus is on a central hearth area, where residents gather to dine, socialize and take part in activities and celebrations. Each elder has a private bedroom with a private ensuite washroom including a shower. This innovative project includes best practice research informed by projects such as The Hogeweyk in the Netherlands, where dementia care is person-centric. This model destigmatizes aging and dementia and humanizes long-term care.
Location: Petrolia, ON
Project Type: Long-Term Care
Completion Date: TBD
Building Size: 11,593 sq ft
No. of Beds: 12