Heritage House and Lucy Marco Place Affordable Housing
This project was a mix of reuse and new construction. Building 1 is the original 1912 YMCA Georgian style 4 storey building which was originally renovated to provide 24 low income apartments including 3 barrier free units. Many architectural heritage features were retained and emphasized.
Building 2 is a new 6 storey building (plus basement) that was originally designed for multiple student occupancy. Modular prefab was used for the new housing units.
Both buildings are now owned by the City of Brantford for affordable housing. Heritage House now has 27 units and Lucy Marco Place has 41 units.
Both buildings are joined by a circulation/services link moderating both areas.
This project received municipal, provincial and federal grants in support of intensifying Brantford’s urban core with more low-income housing and student housing. The project was honoured with a 2007 Heritage Award for creative reuse of an historic building.
Location: Brantford, ON
Project Type: Adaptive Reuse + Addition
Building Size: 74,000 sq ft
No. of Units: 68